This was originally intended as an entry for Pico1K Jam 2024, but I wasn't able to complete it in time. It contains the first 3 levels of the game, a simple end screen with time score, and most of the original game mechanics, now running at 60FPS.

Hope you enjoy playing it!

Published 4 days ago
Made withPICO-8


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This is amazing! Good work.

Is the source available?

(1 edit)


There's actually no separate source code, as I code all my tiny projects in compressed form by hand. I guess that's terrible practice, but I'm not a software dev, and it lets me better monitor and control the size.

I'd be happy to answer any questions or explain things if the code's too cryptic, though.

Oh wait is there a way to display the source code from the web build of a pico-8 game? That's all I was looking to see!

Hand-compressing is the way to go imho!

(2 edits)

Oh, okay, I thought you meant commented, long-form code. Here's a link to the code from the cart. I'm especially proud of the combined map decompression/autotiling system in about 100 chars at the beginning. ;)

Thank you so much. This is wild. Most of it is way above my head, but very cool to dig through.